Tracey's Wooden Box  1                                              9-2019


This project is going to be for my daughter Tracey, which came about from a phone call with her during the Summer. At that time I was working on a Christmas preset for my granddaughter Audrey, which was the wooden blocks and box. We were discussing what to put on top of Audrey's wooden box (a stencil of some kind) just to add a little something extra. And during that conversation, Tracey said that she wouldn't mind having a box of her own, just because she thought it would be cool. Well that got me thinking and here I am making a second box.

This box will be similar to Audrey's except for the species of wood. I'm making this one out of black walnut, hard maple and a small piece of Goncalo Alves. I used Goncalo Alves on the salt & peper keepers if you'd like to see what it looks like. The size of the box will be 18 1/2" X 12" X 4 1/8".





I'm using two vises here which makes it much easier to hold these longer pieces while I'm machining. BTW, I'm working on two pieces below.



I'm doing the same thing here but these pieces are taller so I'm using clamps near the top to keep the vibrations to a minimum.



I'm roughing down the thickness of all my pieces before I put them through my Dewalt planer. Why? Because it's much easier on the planer this way. Otherwise I would have to run the boards through it so many more times because the planner doesn't remove very much at a time. But my milling machine can make a 1/4" deep cut with no problem.



I did this for all of the boards which worked great. BTW, the thickness started at .750" to .800" thick and my target size will be 1/2".



Here are most of the boards that I'll be putting through my planer.



Here is the planer just before I started, because after a few minutes I had a mess to clean up. However, my shop-vac works pretty good for eating all the wood that comes out.



I set my work-stop on my planer to 1/2" and it worked great. The actual size was .501" to .502" which is really good in my book. However, something happened while I was using the planer this time. For some reason I had small 'steps' on each piece that measured a few thousandths deep and I don't know why yet. My guess is that the knives are chips but I'll have to take the planer apart to find out. 



I'm getting ready to cut these pieces down the center on my bandsaw. These pieces will be used for the top or lid on the box.



After using the bandsaw I needed to clean up all the rough surfaces, so I'm using my mill again.


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