July thru December  2013

33 Coupe Having Fun 44       12/30/13

On Saturday, December 28th. the Anchor Restaurant had their monthly car show which ran from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. in Hemet, CA. This show is about 25 miles away which makes it nice and close.

Now this is one place I've never eaten at and if you're a regular visitor of my site then you'll know this isn't normal because it's all about the food when I attend a show.

The weather that day was nice with temps in the low 70's and with that they had a pretty good turn out. Lets check out some of the cars and trucks that made the show that day.




This car is new to me but is owned by a someone that buys and sells cars a couple of times a year. Once I got a closer look this 32 Ford was pretty clean.



I forgot to ask what size the engine was but as you can see it's a Hemi.



Nice clean interior along with some nice paint.



The owner says it drives great and he really likes it so far.






Just a rough guess here...but I'll say that most people haven't seen one of these cars before.



A single seat and a motorcycle type engine for power....yeah...it's different!



This guy is very color coordinated.



These have become obsolete around these parts as they've been replaced by digital ones.


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