Cheese Slicer  3                            12-2016



Here are all the cheese slicers all finished. I used mineral oil on each one which brought out the grain of the wood and will protect them as well. You could use vegetable oil in place of the mineral oil, either one works great.



The maple and black walnut goes well with each other. The size of the small strips of walnut are 1/4" wide.



Here you can see the rubber feet that should work great.



The screw in the handle goes into a hole that was already in the chrome arm. This screw keeps the handle from moving once you tighten the wire.



The wood for this one has black walnut in the center, small strips of figured maple and then mahogany.



All the arms will stay where you put them without falling.



Nice looking wood here!



This one has black walnut in the center, oak and figured maple on the outside.



That figured maple sure does look nice!



Here you can see where I placed the hole for the arm, which is above center by 1/8". You can also see how it looks with feet here too.



A close up of the wire and arm.



This one has cocobolo in the center, figured maple, small strips of black walnut and then figured maple on the outside.



Cocobolo is a very dense wood and smells very strange while machining it, but it looks great when finished.



I hope all the kids like their gifts as much as I had making them because this was a fun project. Merry Christmas!


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