Scoop  2                                                3-2024


Working With Wood


This was the first time I've ever attempted cutting something round on my tablesaw and it didn't go like I wanted. However, the round handle didn't move because I had a clamp on it, but the cut itself was not the best.



I had to turn the handle over to do the other side which is when things went downhill. I used a handsaw to help straighten out some of the slot area. On the plus side, this is purely cosmetic and won't hurt the functionality of the scoop.



Here is the 10-32 hardware I'll be using. I found these acorn nuts down at the bottom of the drawer which I didn't even know that I had but should work great for this project.



It's Finished


As you can see, I painted it with gloss red and black paint.



Nice and shinny but I don't know how long it will look this nice.



The rounded ends work great.



I added some para-cord to the end so I can hang it up with.



Nice and glossy.



This poop scoop works just as I thought and works equally well the on grass, the sand and in the pea-gravel. This was a fun project that didn't take long and I should get many years of use out of it.


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