Bandsaw Box  2                                                3-2023


Working With Wood Continued 


The next step was to cut the back off. This process is fast and you have the option to cut as little or as much as you want. I set my fence to 3/8" and cut my piece.



Now it's time to cut out the drawers. My starting point is next to the arrow, which is going with grain. Now this is important because it's harder to see this line once I have it glued back together compared with going across the grain.



After a few minutes here is what it looks like. Yes I know, it looks pretty weird but this is what needs to be done if you want to make something like this.



This is one of the tea's that will go into the drawers. I'm going to give myself 1/4" clearance for these packets (side-to-side and top to bottom).



The key to this next step is not sanding any of the glued surfaces. This is hard to do because everything inside me 'wants' to sand those areas. However, thinking about it, that saw cut has highs and lows that are unique which lets both pieces fit together correctly.



While the carcass is drying, it's time to sand the perimeter of the drawers. This works out good because they're easy to hold while sanding. Speaking of sanding, this is my oscillating spindle sander with the belt-sander attachment in place.



The above sanding was very easy compared to the carcass because the drawers are shorter. What I mean is that my oscillating spindle won't reach above the top surface of the piece below. This means I had to sand from each direction, which I can do but my work piece isn't perfectly square after the sawing operation. So this causes a slight problem but nothing some hand sanding won't fix. Here I'm using a 5/8" diameter sanding drum which was just the right size for the corner radii.



Once the inside of carcass was sanded, it was time to work on the drawers again. Here I'm cutting off about 1/4" off the back and front.



I numbered each drawer to make sure I didn't mix up anything.



Now that the inside of the carcass is sanded, I glued the back piece back-on.



While I'm waiting for the glue to dry on the piece above, it's time to cut out the inside of each drawer. I laid out some lines to follow with my bandsaw. The wall thickness will end up being about 5/16".


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